Recent content by Seh

  1. S

    Regex help

    If I want to replace a text with remembering its case, is it possible like Fir example, I have to replace hi with no and if text is Hi then new text will be No and if text is hI then new text will be nO
  2. S

    Application launched

    It would be quite helpful if the trigger also supported a dictionary or array containing package names. Currently, if we select some applications in the launch trigger and then delete some of them before configuring the trigger again, the deleted apps are lost from the list.
  3. S

    Application launched

    If The app launch trigger consist a dictionary of package names then the trigger doesn't get fired?
  4. S

    Regex support

    I'm here after chatpgt 😆
  5. S

    Music Active trigger

    No it doesn't work, but notification trigger also doesn't not work for even MacroDroid but why
  6. S

    Music Active trigger

    I've noticed many times that the music trigger doesn't get triggered when alarm music plays. What to do
  7. S

    Regex support

    Titles are different. As the thing is not possible with regex I posted again
  8. S

    Macro support

    I want to match similar text. For example, if the defined text is 'hello' and a user writes 'hellp' or any other text that is 50% similar to the defined text, it should also be considered a match. I really don't have any idea how to do it. Thank you.
  9. S

    Get Random Number - action block

    I used it too many times and got to that this doesn't truly random. Like you will not get some values at all
  10. S

    What is this

    What is this
  11. S

    Regex support

    I want to match similar text. For example, if the defined text is 'hello' and a user writes 'hellp' or any other text that is 50% similar to the defined text, it should also be considered a match. I really don't have any idea how to do it. Thank you.
  12. S

    How to use shell script action

    Do you guys have any idea
  13. S

    Regex support

    I struggle for regex text to match this Ultra HD or enabled I write (Ultra HD)|(enabled) but it matches Ultra enabled which is wrong. Please help