Recent content by RSF

  1. R

    Adding 24 hour clock input to an alarm setting macro

    Something like the attached could work to prompt for your minutes-until-alarm value, allowing both a straight number of minutes, or a time in the form of HH:MM. It calculates the number of minutes until that time, if it sees that the time value has an embedded colon. It's pretty basic, but you...
  2. R

    Text Manipulation Actions: regex behaving unexpectedly

    Try Regex: (\d\d)[: ]0(\d) and replacement text: $1 oh $2 The $n says "output the incoming matching group #n". Note that Regex101 allows you to test substitutions as well as matching; click the "Substitution" link in the left navigation area.
  3. R

    MacroDroid and OAUTH examples

    Thanks for clarifying. Does the email address shown in MacroDroid's Settings > EMail Settings look correct? And do you have any permissions denied to MacroDroid (in Android's Permissions settings screen for the app)? If all that looks good, one thing you could try which might provide additional...
  4. R

    MacroDroid and OAUTH examples

    In your Send Email action, did you choose Gmail or SMTP? That "AuthenticationFailedException" error in your log looks like it might have come from an SMTP attempt. I have always used the GMail option...
  5. R

    MacroDroid and OAUTH examples

    A good question; unfortunately, I don't know the answer. I think the scheme is normally that an app will request access to a user's Google account the first time it's needed, and after that, assuming a user granted access, everything's fine. I'm not sure how to force MacroDroid to re-request...
  6. R

    MacroDroid and OAUTH examples

    You shouldn't need to use OAUTH to send an email from MacroDroid, as long as MacroDroid is the current Play Store version and you've authorized it as an authorized "Third-Party Service" on your Google account. To see if that latter aspect is in place, Go to in your...
  7. R


    Couple options... a) 2 second delay That "Wait" action is in Macros / Wait before next action. The loop scheme suggested by @Dm114 would look like so: b) "Wait until" airplane mode is on A variant of that would be to use the "Wait Until" action, similar to @dhj49er 's suggestion, but using a...
  8. R


    Device State / Application Running / Not in foreground Note that MacroDroid has a handy "Search" function in constraints (and triggers and actions); tap the magnifying glass at the top right of the screen, and type in a few letters (like "app") to see the matching constraints/triggers/actions.
  9. R


    Re: constraints, and the macro no longer running at all when switching to "AND" to connect constraints... A possible problem is that GPS Mode is permanently on or off, depending on your location settings. It doesn't go on and off during the day depending on whether one or more apps is actively...
  10. R

    HTTP post with file - without cURL

    Ah. Then you'll need something like HTTP Shortcuts or Termux/cURL; I don't think MacroDroid supports sending a multipart/form-data POST request containing a file, yet. According to Google Play, HTTP Shortcuts works on Android 5.0 and higher. Hopefully that'll work for your phone, if it can't...
  11. R

    HTTP post with file - without cURL

    @Dimlos - I thought of HTTP Request also, and still think it might work well, if a file needs to be sent via that POST call. That app allows for a description (or at least a name) to be attached, assuming the PHP site is looking for it in the way HTTP Shortcuts sends it ... Termux/cURL is...
  12. R

    Need help writing macro to add alarm when calendar event is added including the word "ALARM"

    My guess is that @dhj49er is thinking about MacroDroid detecting a notification from your DejaOffice app, inspecting it, and having MacroDroid vibrate, play a loud music file, display a pop-up dialog box, etc. That will work and offers great flexibility. You might not need MacroDroid ...
  13. R

    the trigger is not working. How should I solve it?

    You may also want to try switching the constraints' string contains dictionary structure, i.e. use 除外する人 contains notification_title instead of notification_title contains 除外する人 if what you're trying to do is search within your dictionary for the notification's title, text, etc.
  14. R

    HTTP post with file - without cURL

    Can you double-check this? I thought curl -d and -F options were mutually-exclusive... Does the PHP server expect the parameter as data or a file? And are you sending just the name of the file, or the file contents (which would usually be shown as something like ... -F...
  15. R

    HTTP post with file - without cURL

    Can you post the cURL setup / parameters that worked? That may help inform how to convert that to a MacroDroid HTTP Request (Post) action.