Recent content by PowerUser

  1. P

    Launch app and press button on SMS receive ?

    If I must unlock my phone then app makes no sense. I need it to start app and press few things in the middle of the night while I sleep. Or you think that MacroDroid app can unlock it by pin or pattern while I am not at the phone ?
  2. P

    Launch app and press button on SMS receive ?

    Can you give me short guidance how to do that and then I know what to search for ? Basically I need to make it that received SMS unlocks the phone but I must remove all locks ? So pattern, face, fingeprint must be off ? Thanks
  3. P

    Launch app and press button on SMS receive ?

    So is there any way that phone opens some app and clicks on something ? Or no options at all ?
  4. P

    Launch app and press button on SMS receive ?

    Yes I got that later. It does it when I do test but wjen I send expecting SMS it wont trigger it. It seems that it works when the screen is unlocked. How do I allow it to read screen and trigger when screen is off and locked ? If I got it right it cant press on the screen what it should when the...
  5. P

    Launch app and press button on SMS receive ?

    It does not work. Lets say I tell him to open WhatsApp and press SEARCH button. It opens WhatsApp but does not press button.
  6. P

    Launch app and press button on SMS receive ?

    UI Interaction is greyed out, why is that ? It says something like if I enable it it can be used to gather my personal infos etc. For Autoset app it is not greyed out. So it is safe to allow it ? Thanks a lot
  7. P

    Launch app and press button on SMS receive ?

    Hi to all, is it possible that when I get SMS from specific number saying "IRRIGATION STOPPED" my phone launches specific app and presses RED button so it turns off generator ? It does seem simple but I cant get it to work. Thanks a lot