Recent content by Postmaster88

  1. Postmaster88

    Have the wait before next action settings been changed?

    Thanks for resolving this for me. Works perfectly again.
  2. Postmaster88

    Have the wait before next action settings been changed?

    You can see the time 10s is supposed to commence immediately after the plugin but the timer is starting 11s after the plugin. Reducing the time doesn't help as it will work correctly and hence ruin the actual time of the macro. It seems to happen on the 2nd and 4th plug-ins within a macro never...
  3. Postmaster88

    Have the wait before next action settings been changed?

    Also tested the total time of the above child macro. By reducing the wait time to 14s the overall length of time of the macro has not changed. This makes no sense. The first FRep plugin is approx 10s, then it waits 25s in total from start of the 1st recording until it plays the 2nd one, then...
  4. Postmaster88

    Have the wait before next action settings been changed?

    You can see here I've replaced most of the previous user actions with FRep recordings as found it more consistent along with image recognition incase something doesn't work it will retry. For the next recording it takes 25secs but I'm having to put 14s due to the delay. I just don't understand...
  5. Postmaster88

    Have the wait before next action settings been changed?

    Yes all mine are set to alarm. I have extensively tested the wait for next action command and this seems to be working in macrodroid. What's not working is it playing the FRep recording when it should. It seems to be delayed and it's not consistent. Really annoying as my macros are very much...
  6. Postmaster88

    Have the wait before next action settings been changed?

    Update: I'm starting to think there's something extremely wrong with the timers. The wait time manually added is not being consistent. If I set to 10s before next action it's sometimes taking 20+s. Anyone else having issues?
  7. Postmaster88

    Have the wait before next action settings been changed?

    So something really weird has happened to my macros. I have many macros that incorporate local plugins ie using an FRep recording within the macro. Before, macrodroid would not look at the total time for the plugin recording to complete before going moving onto the next macrodroid action. To get...
  8. Postmaster88

    Email Notification Trigger not working correctly

    Thanks. I don't know but I'd corrupted the link somehow. By deleting the trigger and redoing it works a treat. Thank you again
  9. Postmaster88

    Email Notification Trigger not working correctly

    Thanks. Tried all that but can't get the macro to trigger and trying on multiple devices
  10. Postmaster88

    Email Notification Trigger not working correctly

    Thanks. I'd not heard of webhooks before. So I created one and set as trigger. I click on it on another device to test but nothing happens. Have I missed something?
  11. Postmaster88

    Email Notification Trigger not working correctly

    I have a number of macros that are triggered using email notification that contains a certain trigger word. This enables me to remotely trigger a Macro on another android device that has no cellular service but is connected to my Wi-Fi at home. The problem I'm having is when more than 1 of the...