Recent content by AndroidHarry

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    Swipe Top Down Trigger

    On my Galaxy 22s the swipe top left down and swipe top right down triggers are being ignored. Seems like a simple swipe top down trigger would be much better. In my case, I want to increase the screen brightness whenever I swipe down. Sorry to tell the developer that so far, everything I have...
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    UI Interaction: Add case insensitive text clicks

    I want to control an app via voice commands. The problem I'm having is that the app's options' (buttons/links) labels have the first letter Capitalized. I have no control over that. Then when I use Voice Input action, Google Voice Input translates all letters to lower case, which is stored as...
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    How to read Actions' results?

    Is there an easy way to get the results of Actions? As an example, I want to paste a variable's string content into Maps search bar. To do that, I launch Maps, then get the search bar focus by clicking on it (via ui interaction). Finally, I paste the variable's string content into the search...
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    Using Triggers in Action Blocks

    What is the easiest way to excute actions conditionally within an "Action Block" depending on what trigger fired that invoked the Macro that subsequently invokes the "Action Block"? I know I can use if statements in the macro and setup a variable passing it to the "Action Block", but that seems...
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    Add more Bluetooth Device Selections

    Bluetooth devices listed for selection exclude devices paired on a previous phone that where subsequently transfered to a new phone via phone data transfer apps like Smart Switch. Please consider adding such devices to the list. Also, it would help to have an option to select from renamed bt...