Recent content by Alanmk24

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    Installing helper on Android 14+

    thanks very much,your post really helped,i just copyed and pasted[but changed it to 1.14 now] and it installed it no probs,thanks
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    Changing network connection mode..

    When im in my house i can only get 3g,if it stays on 4g I've no calls signal,but outside i get 4g,but nit strong signal,so have to switch tp 4g
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    Change network connection

    Is there a way to force LTE and then change it back to 3G,,i want to change it when i disconnect from wifi..i can't find any setting for it in macrodroid,Any help would be greatly appreciated
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    Changing network connection mode..

    Is there a way to force LTE and then change it back to 3G,,i want to change it when i disconnect from wifi..i can't find any setting for it in macrodroid,Any help would be greatly appreciated